The World Came to My Place Today ...
And just like that! Here we are into our fifth week of the Digital Fluency Intensive here in Tairawhiti. Today's session saw us learning about the Cybersmart curriculum, how to use Chromebooks and iPads, as well as tools such as 'Explain Everything' and 'Screencastify'.
Cybersmart curriculum
The importance of using positive terms and consistent vocabulary across classes and schools was raised. Having had the difference between the term 'Cyber smart' and 'Cyber safe' made me reflect more thoughtfully about the language I will use from now on. The Cybersmart Curriculum is about learners and educators being smart and empowered through the use of digital technologies. Although a subtle difference in terminology, this message resonated with me.
Here's the link to my presentation about Smart Teens, a strand within the Manaiakalani Cybersmart curriculum. In learning about this topic I was introduced to a range of valuable resources. Of particular interest was the importance of knowing what personal information is available about you online, the need to respect that once an image or video is posted that it is permanent, and how mindful we must be about how we use and share our biometric information such as facial recognition, voice recognition and thumbprints.
Cybersmart Teens
Explain Everything
Today was my first time to experiment and learn about potential applications for the app 'Explain Everything'. Although my trial version didn't afford the full functionality of the paid versions, today was a good opportunity to familiarise myself with the key functions. I can see so many benefits of using such tools - not only is it making the learning more engaging, it is increasing visibility and providing teachers and learners with rewindable learning opportunities. Not being a classroom-based teacher, I need to think more about how I could apply this to my professional life.
Here's the simple activity I completed about a book called The World Came to My Place Today. Note the back to front map, still a work in progress ...
Key learnings
It is interesting to reflect on how much I have learned so far and I can feel a growing confidence in the use of Blogger, as well as how my broader knowledge is contributing to the effective use of digital tools. For example, I can see how interactive tools which are engaging and empowering for learners recognises incorporates the elements of SISOMO introduced to us previously.
Although I do confess to still feeling a little uncomfortable in front of a camera, it is becoming more familiar as we practice on Loom and Screencastify. This course continues to open my eyes to a raft of apps and tools that support collaboration, save time and help share stories and projects with a range of audiences. This applies across both my professional and personal life and I look forward to incorporating more of these each week.
Thanks to Manaiakalani for your vision, team and resources that truly do help bring the world to my place and many others each day. 'Til next week.
Nga mihi, Jo